Hands up if you say regularly, “I’ve got absolutely nothing left to give!”

Do you often feel like your brain is so full you just can’t take another thing in?

Or are you simply craving to feel clearer and more motivated?

iKOU Energy Rituals replenish and restore your motivation and clarity.

Even if have a busy life and don't have a lot of free time to stop, you can enjoy these simple actions to clear your mind.

Feel a sense of freedom and rise above feelings of stress with renewed energy!

Start with our video for Naomi's top tips, and listen to our meditation further down the page.

01. Start your day with a Dry Body Brush

Awaken energy, by stimulating lymphatics and circulation. A brushing ritual assists with awakening sluggish areas of the body, including cellulite affected.

02. Enjoy an energising shower

Inhale the cleansing, fresh scent of pure Lemon Myrtle. For an extra awakening boost: Finish with 60 seconds of a cold water blast!

03. Feel a fresh start through exfoliation

Reveal fresh new skin and a "lightness of being" with our energising salt scrub which doubles as a bath soak for extra benefits!

04. Give yourself a head and scalp massage

The bergamot in our deep conditioner helps release pent up tension to restore and clear the mind. Try it warm for the true spa experience!

05. Feel fresh and hydrated

Lightly textured and invigoratingly fresh, an all over daily massage with lemon myrtle body lotion leaves skin feeling relaxed and your mind renewed.

06. Have a muscle relax bath

Release tension from the muscles and feel restored balance by soaking in a hot Muscle Relax bath. The perfect choice for tired bodies in need of renewal.

Create Your Day Ritual Pack | $99.00

The way you start your morning sets the tone for the entire day ahead. 

This inspirational morning kit includes the following productions, and a ritual card with steps to bring new energy to each day!

  • Organic Lemon Myrtle Salt scrub 
  • Lemon Myrtle Body Wash 500ml 
  • Japanese Body Brush 
  • Lemon Myrtle Body Lotion 30ml 
  • Mini Neroli Calming Face Oil 7ml
  • Limited edition artwork journal 
  • Hemp/linen clear front bag 

Listen to our meditation below - "A Walk in the Forest"